
Alberto Grifi, Massimo Sarchielli, 225', 1975, Italy
Directors: Alberto Grifi, Massimo Sarchielli
Editing: Alberto Grifi
Cinematography: Alberto Grifi, Raoul Calabrò, Mario Gianni
Cast: Anna, Massimo Sarchielli, Vincenzo Mazza, Raoul Calabrò, Terry, Louis Waldon, Jane Fonda (less than ten seconds), Annabella Miscuglio, Alberto Grifi.

In 1972, actor Massimo Sarchielli met a sixteen years old girl in Piazza Navona. She was eight months pregnant, sick, homeless and on drugs. Her name was Anna. Sarchielli took her to his apartment with the intention to make a film about her and called the underground filmmaker Alberto Grifi. The film was meant to be a sort of social experiment, where Anna, rescued from the streets by her saviors Grifi and Sarchielli, was the guinea pig. But life took completely over cinema and Anna became something else. Probably one of the most controversial and haunting films ever made. After its premier, the film fell into oblivion for unclear reasons over 4 decades.


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