EEUU, 1983
Director: Charles Burnett

Dirigida, escrita, producida, y filmada por Charles Burnett
Productores: Gaye Shannon-Burnett, Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen, Brigitte Kramer, Thomas M. Penick
Montaje: Thomas M. Penick
Sonido: Veda Campbell, Arthur J. Lopez
Reparto: Everette Silas, Jessie Holmes, Gaye Shannon-Burnett, Ronald E. Bell, Dennis Kemper, Sally Easter, Hobert Durham Jr, Angela Burnett, Tim Wright, Cora Lee Day
Música: Dr. Henry Gordon, John Briggs Consort, Johnny Ace, Stephen Jay.

In this tragicomic work of realism, Pierce Mundy is employed at his parents’ South Central dry cleaners with no prospects for the future — his childhood buddies are all in prison or dead. Pierce’s best friend Soldier is just getting out of jail. Pierce’s brother Wendell, an up-and-coming lawyer, is busy planning a wedding to a snooty upper-middle-class black woman named Sonia. Pierce navigates his conflicting obligations and his mistrust of the upper crust while trying to figure out what he really wants.