Cuttlas Microfilms, is the animated series based on the adventures of the legendary comic book character The Good Cuttlas, one of Calpurnio Pisón’s most famous creations. The series parodies different film genres, from Westerns to film noir, melodrama, espionage, pirates, horror or science fiction. Awarded a special mention at FIPA, the Cannes Film Festival market, Cuttlas Microfilms was one of the most interesting animated proposals, and one of the first animations for adults, in Spain in the 1990s, as fascinating and brilliant today as it was then.
- Con Cien Cañones por Banda
- El Bueno de Cuttlas / El Enigma Poligonal / Lluvia de estrellas
- Multimonster / 77 formas de matar o morir / Gran calibre
- Circo Olimpo /Agente Especial Triple X / El elixir de la eterna juventud
- Knock Out / Cuando llegue el ocaso / El Buey Negro