SEMINAR film criticism in images

Film criticism in images

by Brais Romero

Film criticism and audio-visual creation are paths that are increasingly parallel. Therefore, and continuing a will that began at the IV Critical Seminar that took place in the Play-Doc 2017, the video essays again focus our speech on the new ways of looking at film criticism. In the face of an increasingly diverse cinema, we need more powerful tools than the words to speak about: we need to talk about images from the images. The video essay emerges as a new field of work with great potential where film criticism approaches, from creation, to film texts without ignoring the analytical and academic dimension. Editing, manipulation and appropriation are tools at the service of a new film criticism that wants to create new speeches about cinema, or even discover connections, associations, which remain hidden from the naked eye.

A new way of looking at film criticism that is nourished by all the ways of understanding cinema and that opens up to all the possibilities that images, or even absence of them, provide. Ricardo Vieira Lisboa is the guest of honour this year. A film critic in À Pala de Walsh and programmer, his work was worth mentioning in the video essays selection that the British Film Institute gathers annually. Ricardo, along with the A Cuarta Parede team, will have the task of bringing students from text writing to writing in images, in this sixth edition of the film criticism seminar organized by A Cuarta Parede in Play-Doc.

Registrations are now open at A Cuarta Parede (

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