Danny Lyon, 18', 1974, USA
A film by Danny Lyon
Sound: Ed Bevan, James Blue, Stephanie Chrisman
Produced by J.J. Meeker
Made with the Sawdust Boys of New Mexico
Sound: Ed Bevan, James Blue, Stephanie Chrisman
Produced by J.J. Meeker
Made with the Sawdust Boys of New Mexico
International Premiere
“El Mojado is about my best friend in New Mexico, an undocumented worker from rural Chihuahua. Eddie could do anything, make anything, fix any car or truck, and usually do it with scraps. We built an adobe house together and every spring I would meet him near the border and smuggle him past the border patrol into the United States. He introduced me to the whole unbelievable world of ‘illegal aliens’.” Danny Lyon