Our oficial selection has just been announced. It will be composed of these titles:
Dead Slow Ahead (Mauro Herce, Spain / France, 2015)
God Bless the Child (Robert Machoian, Rodrigo Ojeda-Beck, United States, 2015)
No Cow on the Ice (Eloy Domínguez Serén, Sweden, 2015)
Oleg y las raras artes (Andrés Duque, Spain, 2016)
Tales of Two Who Dreamt (Andrea Bussmann, Nicolás Pereda, Canada / Mexico, 2016)
The critics’ strand Resonances will be competitive this year too. It is composed of these films:
Shorts program “O que nos olha”
Of the North (Dominic Gagnon, Canada, 2015)
When the Earth Seems to be Light (Tamuna Karumidze, Salome Machaidze, David Meskhi, Georgia / Germany, 2015)
More details will be at our website soon.
andrea bussmann, andres duque, criticos, David Meskhi, dead slow ahead, documental, dominic gagnon, eloy dominguez seren, etnografia, god bless the child, mauro herce, nicolas pareda, no cow on the ice, of the north, oleg y las raras artes, resonancias, robert machoian, rodrigo ojeda-block, Salome Machaidze, seccion oficial, tales of two show dreamt, Tamuna Karumidze, when the earth seems to be light