35 PHOTOS (35 Fotos)

Alemania, 1985
Director: Helke Misselwitz

Written and directed by Helke Misselwitz
Cinematography: Bernd Merten, Jürgen Rudow
Editing: Karin Schöning
Sound: Helke Misselwitz
Music: Cathrin Pfeifer
With Michael Braumann
Produced by DEFA-Studio für Dokumentarfilme

Spanish Premiere

A woman born in 1949, the year the GDR was founded, talks about her life based on 35 images in her family album that each represent one year. This short was to premiere on the occasion of the 35th anniversary of East Germany. Officials rejected the short, however, as an ostensibly negative portrait of GDR family life presented by an atypical woman. It was released under a different title a year later. DEFA Film Library